
Pisces New Moon/Solar Eclipse

essentialzodiacnmoonpiscessoleclip On March 8th, the Pisces New Moon will also be a Solar Eclipse.  While the Eclipse will only be visible in Southeast Asia, its impact will be felt globally.  Both a New Moon and a Solar Eclipse is about new beginnings.  It's about letting go and embracing a new direction. A Solar Eclipse can only occur at a New Moon and the Solar Eclipse super-charges the New Moon. That's significant fresh-start possibilities. This eclipse occurs in Pisces, the last sign of the Zodiac year. In Pisces, the Moon is intuitive, spiritual, insightful, hopeful and attuned to the energies beyond the physical and mental realms.  This New Moon offers an opportunity to connect with your personal "dream time".  Along with the Pisces Sun, this is an excellent time to tap into our inner resources as we plan for the coming year. I see this eclipse as a ray of hope during a time of tremendous upheaval for all of us. Clearly, many of us are at a crossroads. The Solar Eclipse will not only offer a breath of fresh air, it will help us feel ready to stop holding our breath. This eclipse will give us the faith we need to finally let go.

To see how this energy will affect you, check out the horoscopes below. Remember with eclipses this energy is around for at least 6 months!

Aries - This is a time for being invisible and retreating into your inner world. Your intuition will lead you toward awareness of your hidden tendencies with the Pisces Solar Eclipse in your 12th House of the Subconscious. Although it's up to others to let you know if you have overstepped their boundaries, you can prevent an embarrassing moment by thinking before you act unconsciously. Tread carefully in your pursuit of pleasure.

Taurus - The Pisces Solar Eclipse in your 11th House of Groups and Friends signals a time for expanding into a greater sense of connection with you. Motives are muddied by passions, so don't assume that you know how others are feeling unless they explicitly tell you. Re-assessing your own goals and considering alternate strategies is more constructive than causing an unpleasant scene.

Gemini - If you're worried about someone stealing your thunder the Pisces Solar Eclipse in your 10th House of Career will bring that to the fore.  It's wise to react to reality instead of creating a problem before it manifests. Your emotions may be out of whack, and they could precipitate an awkward situation at work unless you deal with your insecurities first. If your efforts are being undermined, then it will be certainly appropriate to take defensive action. Until such time, there's no reason to stress about things that might never happen, anyway.

Cancer - You would like to be making long-term plans because the Pisces Solar Eclipse activates your 9th House of Travel. However, it may seem rather hopeless to plan for your upcoming adventure when you still have so much work on your plate. Unfortunately, there are too many chores to finish in the present moment. If you are feeling overwhelmed, don't attempt to do everything at once. There's no room for discouragement if you narrow your focus and complete just a few things well. Be kind to everyone, especially yourself.

Leo - Even if you aren't the overly jealous type, someone's actions could make you turn green with envy while the Pisces Solar Eclipse polarizes your 8th House of Intimacy. Of course, emotional possessiveness won't lead anywhere worthwhile, but knowing that it's unproductive won't necessarily change your feelings in the moment. Don't get stuck in an unbreakable cycle; relinquishing control might just be the most reliable path to happiness. Trust is the hardest thing to find and the easiest to lose.

Virgo - Someone's emotional disclosure can be rather upsetting to you, especially if you feel even partly responsible for the current instability in your relationship. However, it's crucial to separate your compassion for someone you love from your desire to fix what's wrong as the Pisces Solar Eclipse triggers your 7th House of Partnerships. However, simply listening and acknowledging what you hear might be the kindest thing you can do. Remember, you cannot change anyone's reactions but your own.

Libra -  This dreamy Pisces Solar Eclipse energy is in your mundane 6th House of Work and Health. You might be feeling indecisive about how you want to serve and about how you can best use your skills. Although you have many things to do, you lack clear direction in setting your priorities. Nevertheless, you feel increasing pressure to make a choice as soon as possible. It may surprise you to realize that it doesn't matter where you start; just decide on a destination and begin. Thankfully, each step will become easier once you're in motion.

Scorpio - You yearn to express yourself in spontaneous ways while the Pisces Solar Eclipse mobilizes your 5th House of Creativity and Fun, but you can't find the time to make your definitive statement. You could be feeling quite satisfied with your life, but more immediate concerns distract you from your desire for fun and games. The real question isn't about what you should do; it's about what your heart wants. Color outside the lines and see what happens; play now and pay later.

Sagittarius - Unsettling energy on the home front is not yet about to disappear with the Pisces Solar Eclipse in your 4th House of Family. You might be frustrated, yet you really don't know what to do about the current stressful dynamics. Perhaps it's time to accept that some things are beyond your control. Don't try to make everything better for everyone else just because you feel uncomfortable. Taking full responsibility for your own state of mind is your top priority. Your legendary optimism might be just what's needed to turn things around.

Capricorn - You prefer having your day mapped out in detail, but the Pisces Solar Eclipse is going to make that hard as it transits your 3rd House of Thinking. Your current schedule won't likely withstand the shifting pressures. Crossed messages may contribute to delays or a cancellation of a scheduled event, prompting you to think deeply about how you spend your leisure time. Rolling with the unexpected waves of change allows you to turn any setback into an exciting opportunity.

Aquarius -  Current complications drive you to reconsider your old ways of managing your finances as the Pisces Solar Eclipse lands your 2nd House of Resources. On a deeper level, your relationship to money is likely tied to what you feel you deserve. If you are struggling with issues of self-acceptance, a positive change in your attitude could directly impact your net worth. When you value your contribution with confidence, others will be more willing to pay you accordingly.

Pisces - The Pisces Solar Eclipse amplifies the cosmic energy in your 1st House of Self, marking an end to one significant phase of your life. Don't be afraid to feel the intensity of an emotional loss, especially if it helps you work through your unresolved issues. Remember, elimination is a necessary natural process that is required before renewal.


March 2016 - Harbinger of Change

essentialzodiacchaosquotes March is going to be a wild ride of a month.  Some of you more energy-sensitive folks probably already have felt a “shift”.  And those who have mutable signs emphasized in their chart, that’s Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces will feel it as well. This month is about change - whether we want it or not, it’s coming.  So let’s buckle up and deal with it head on. Here’s what’s coming over the next few weeks so you can plan ahead.

On March 5th, gabby Mercury enters into watery Pisces and “take charge” Mars crosses into daring Sagittarius. The Mars combo will instantly inspire you to go after what you truly believe in. But take note, Mars will turn retrograde on April 17th, so whatever you initiate will require recalibration. Act accordingly! A week later lovely Venus gets into the Piscean pool. So by mid-month, we will have eight planets in mutable signs, the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn (all the visible planets) and Neptune, which has been in Pisces since 2011. Adaptability and changeability are the key words here; mutable signs are flexible and versatile. They are also about ending things that have outlived their usefulness and getting geared up to start the next new phase of life. With almost all of the planets focused on change you will feel the need to do things completely different. Since change is inevitable, do yourself a favor, seize the moment and make the release on your own terms.

We are also moving into eclipse season, which continues to press us to do some housecleaning. On March 8th, we'll experience a Solar Eclipse in Pisces that has a heavy dose of realism attached to it. Imagination meets preparation and determination with this Eclipse so as long as you open your eyes to the reality of hard work ahead, you can truly create magic now. Then on the 23rd, a Lunar Eclipse in Libra will put the focus on your significant relationships in either in your business or personal life.

While we are dealing with the upheaval we get some help from benevolent Jupiter in analytical Virgo and transformative Pluto in pragmatic Capricorn. Change needs to be concrete, good intentions won’t cut it this time. And finally, adding no-turning-back finality to your decisions is Saturn, who’s getting ready to turn retrograde on March 25th   He’ll prevent you from making decisions in haste; but once you commit to a new course, there’s no going back.

Forget January 1st, the real new year is March 20th, the Spring Equinox and Astrological New Year when the Sun charges into fiery Aries, the first sign of the Zodiac. Now is the time to make those resolutions, break any chains that have hindered our growth and get ready to pursue some exciting new goals. More than anything, don’t move into this month with dread. You know there’s something you need to get rid of. You know it has to go. Think of this month as a gift that you have the entire universe on your side to get it done with once and for all.

Need some support to get started? If you’re ready for change, I’m ready to help you.  Check out my Services page or E-mail me for if you don’t see what you need.  I can customize a chart to suit any situation.